Working with muscular electrostimulation allows us to enjoy an infinite number of applications, always based on two basic principles:

1- Increased motor recruitment

2- Biofeedback, to induce muscular contractions where the subject is not able to produce them by himself or to improve them.

However, in order for the work with electrostimulation to be properly oriented to the intended purpose, we must control the electrical parameters; in this entry, we will focus on the stability work of the core.

  • Selection of electrical parameters:

    • FREQUENCY: in this case, we want to improve the stability of the abdominal area which depends mainly on the tonic fiber, we must then work between 10 and 30 Hz. It is important to point out that if the stability demands were in sudden and powerful situations such as Judo combat, it would be convenient to develop specific exercises with frequencies above 80 Hz (maximum strength) or even beyond 100 Hz (power).
    • CHRONAXIA: given the area to work corresponds to an average chronaxia of 300 us.
    • INTENSITY: it depends on the objective, the maximum tolerable if we look for maximum motor recruitment or moderate intensities if we want to work with technical quality.
  • As for the arrangement of the electrodes:

    • ANALYTIC PLACEMENT: arrangement of the positive and negative pole of the same circuit in the same muscle, we could selectively stimulate the rectus abdominis, the superior and inferior oblique muscles. This work would help us to potentiate or increase the body’s awareness of a specific muscle.
      • KINETIC CHAINS: would allow us to stimulate simultaneously the set of muscles involved in a specific motor pattern.
      • CO-ACTIVATION: allows us to stimulate antagonist muscles in the same circuit (see photo: abdominals <rectum and oblique> + lumbar square).

Controlled these parameters the trainer must decide the simultaneity or not of the executions with the electrical stimulus, for example:

  • To request simultaneous strong exhalation to the electrical stimulus maintaining posture (see photo) in isometry and resting in the phase of rest of the electro-stimulator, or…
  • Exhale and maintain isometry in the resting phase for the electrical stimulus phase to request dynamic action such as trunk rotations or hip adductions/abductions.


Juan Peris


Sports Sciences DEA

Physical Trainer – Col. 12.739

Physiotherapist – Col. 3.319

Myox Specialist in Muscle Electrostimulation

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